
you'll need a serious treatment معنى

  • ستحتاج إلى علاج جدي.
  • need    n. فقر, ضيق, شدة, ...
  • a    الأمْبير; الدَّمُ ...
  • serious    adj. جدي, خطير, رز ...
  • treatment    n. معالجة, مداواة, ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. you'd better take the bus معنى
  2. you'd better take the taxi معنى
  3. you'll have to change trains معنى
  4. you'll have to pay a fine معنى
  5. you'll have to wait معنى
  6. you'll never walk alone معنى
  7. you're beautiful معنى
  8. you're beautiful (tv series) معنى
  9. you're disgusting معنى
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